Sleep: Sunday 19-20 July 9hr 34min - 95% (10:00-7:35)
Monday 20 July: 6 Green, 2 Red (Strength, Meditation), 1 Yellow (Impulse - snacking), 1 x Alcohol
Sleep: Monday 20-21 July 8hr 25min - 88% (1115-740)
Tuesday 21 July: 7 Green, 1 Red (Strength), 1 Yellow (Affirmation)
Sleep: Tuesday 21-22 July 9hr 42min - 94% (850-635)
Wednesday 22 July: 5 Green, 2 Red (Strength, Writing), 2 Yellow (Task, Meditation), 1 x Alcohol
Sleep: Wednesday 22-23 July 8hr 32min - 90% (1030-700)
Thursday 23 July: 5 Green, 3 Red (Task, Writing, Impulse/snack), 1 Yellow (Procrastination), 1 x Alcohol
Sleep: Thursday 23-24 July 9hr 9min - 94% (1050-800)
Friday 24 July: 7 Green, 1 Yellow (Task)
Sleep: Friday 24-25 July 8hr 33min - 90% (830-500)
Saturday 25 July: 6 Green, 1 Red (Strength), 2 Yellow (Affirmation, Task), 1 x Alcohol
Sleep: Saturday 25-26 July 8hr 53min - 92% (1030-720)
Sunday 26 July: 4 Green, 1 Red (Strength), 4 Yellow (Task, Meditation, Impulse/snack, Procrastination)
Comments: So this week was a tough one in some spots. On the bright side, sleep was better than I had expected. On the not-bright side, I was generally having trouble getting up a lot of energy — I think it’s the semi-lockdown taking a tool again.
I had high hopes in the last check-in for following up with the strength item, but that largely didn’t happen. We are, however, waiting for a portable air-con/heating unit for the garage, ordered from Costco. My appetite for cycling and other alternative cross-training just didn’t materialize, so taking away the temperature as an excuse might make sense.
The three days when I noticed myself having trouble around the ‘impulsiveness’ item were all related to snacking. I think a lot of that was mood-related, although not necessarily correlated to sleep quality or volume. I am pleased that I didn’t let the mood-related stuff get out of hand.
Otherwise, things were okay, I suppose. I was bummed that I broke my writing streak, hitting neither journaling nor the websites. On the bright side, the tendency I have to procrastinate was also less prominent. I still have my life-long conflicted relationship with a task or to do list. This is something to look at more closely.
This was not a good picture.