Accountability Check-In June 8-14

 (The delayed-accountability-is-just-as-good-right? edition...)


Green = 1 pt, fully accomplished; yellow = 1/2 pt, partly accomplished; red = 0.

 The Good:

 Affirmations:              7/7

Sweat:                            7/7

Meditation:              7/7

 Alcohol:                            4 servings over the week (3-5 goal)


The Bad:

 Task list:              4.5/7 (two full, five partial days)

Impulse control:              4.25/7 (two full, three partial, one partial-plus, one null effort)


The Ugly:


Procrastination:                            3.75/7 (six partial, one partial-plus)

Write 1000 words:              1/7 (one full, six not even in the ballpark)


Comments: The changes I made after the week of June 1 seem to have stuck. I think that the new “impulse” item is a much better reflection of the sort of things I would like to do less of daily. I played with the idea of adding a tracker or item for sleep, but deferred doing that.  

Overall, this was a tough week. My energy was very low, emotional state was not positive, concentration was hard and my motivation was such that it was a struggle to meet my goals.

 I took three learning points out of this:

  •  first, to meet these things as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as “setbacks, full stop”;

  • second, to be keep the overall circumstances and situation I’m in mind while assessing what happened or didn’t happen--this is hard, because self-compassion is a tough sell for me and I’m prone to falling into blame;

  • third, remembering that just because something wasn’t going well doesn’t invalidate the goal and is to be met with acceptance and then pushing on.