The effort continues.
Green = 1 pt, fully accomplished; yellow = 1/2 pt, partly accomplished; red = 0.
The Good:
It was largely all good.
Affirmations: 6 1/2
AM routine: 5 1/2
Sweat: 6
80 push-ups: 6
20 minutes meditation: 5 1/2
Write 1000 words: 5
Snacking: 5 (avoided 5 of 7 days)
Beer/wine: 3 servings (missing one from the calendar)
The Bad:
Eh, nothing really.
The Ugly:
Procrastination: 4 1/2
Comments: Although I got most of what I wanted to done, I’m not sure I was particularly effective this week. This may be the downside of trying to quantify schedules or habit-building, I’m not sure. I think what I’m starting to do is work towards the list, rather than using the list as a jumping-off point for the things I want to get done every day before moving on to other things.Will watch that to make sure it doesn’t hijack my days.
I streamlined the list of things I wanted to do under “morning routine” which has made it easier to follow.
In general, finding I really like the Seinfeld-style calendar. For the week of June 1 I’m making some small changes to encourage greater productivity. Will see how that works out in a week…